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The solar industry

We must take every opportunity to make the world a better place 

Aneo is part of the solar industry, and we use solar panels in our solutions.

Since the report “In broad daylight” was published in 2021 by the Centre for International Justice, a spotlight has been trained on the solar industry and forced labour.

We take this very seriously and are committed to acting with due care in all our business activities.

That’s why we conduct due diligence assessments to uncover any potential and actual negative consequences of our business. This allows us to identify and implement measures that are either preventive, mitigating or corrective.   


Here are our prioritised measures thus far on the issue of forced labour in the solar industry:

  • Cooperation with other industry players: Together with the industry and the Norwegian Solar Energy Cluster, we are actively working to establish the most sustainable supply chain possible
  • Requirements: We communicate our expectations for attitudes and actions by setting ethical requirements for purchases and demands for traceability in the value chain of our suppliers.
  • Due diligence: We conduct due diligence assessments to identify, prioritise and implement the right measures


The problem related to Xinjiang has been on the agenda for a long time, and the EU has launched an initiative to bring a major portion of the value chain back to Europe; see link.



Two girls running in a field in front of sun panels
Production environment