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Sustainability at Aneo

Aneo is committed to including sustainability considerations in every aspect of our enterprise. This means that we will work to meet today’s needs without reducing future generations’ opportunities to meet theirs. 

Aneo is a renewable power company committed to including sustainability considerations in every aspect of our enterprise. True sustainability entails fulfilling today’s needs without reducing future generations’ opportunities to meet theirs. This means that we must safeguard the climate and the environment from both a social and economic standpoint. We feel a deep responsibility to contribute to such a sustainable society without unacceptable costs to either the climate or nature.

To this end, Aneo underlines the need to comply with the signals from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Biodiversity (IPBES), which have both determined that the nature crisis is as great a challenge to the global community as the climate crisis. The fact that our core business is renewable energy does not mean that we automatically consider ourselves sustainable. We demand more of ourselves.

We must be consistently compliant with the law, but set even higher standards for ourselves where we find that the current regulations are inadequate. That’s why we strive unrelentingly to be transparent in our assessments and continuously seek new and improved knowledge about the consequences of our actions. 

The challenges we face are too complex for any single actor to solve alone. We interpret this as a need for all of us to do our part, taking into account the reasonable ability of others to do theirs. Nevertheless, Aneo works actively to support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, because we both recognise and see that our contribution can make a significant difference in achieving them.

We look to the UN Sustainable Development Goals for inspiration. They are a fundamental and constant reminder of the breadth inherent in the concept of sustainability, and we have chosen to highlight eight Sustainable Development Goals that we feel are closest to our business endeavours. These goals are Sustainable Development Goals 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15 and 16.

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